Thursday, 26 February 2009

46p for 500ml? Yes please, 4...

It's happened, despite global economic downturn, a disturbing level of knife and gun culture, Jade Goody's plight, Polar Bears' struggle with changing ecosystems, Homosexual Priests and rampant drink driving, Asda have continued to offer great prices and a comfortable shopping experience; highlighted by my acquisition of a 500millilitre vessel of Frijj milkshake for 46 pence. That's a price that would cheer up even Howard from the Halifax adverts (reports are in that he's now a raging alcoholic and lurks around branches of HSBC screaming "Who gives you extra? We do!" through an upturned traffic cone).

What's more, Frijj released a limited edition run; Vanillaaarrgggh (Vanilla). It tastes great, and the simplistic black and white design caught my attention, standing out amongst a crowd of dairy produce. This limited edition, in my opinion, far surpasses the Raspberry flavour of yester-year, and races on by, like a vanilla Lewis Hamilton (not a racial slur, by any means).

Now I'm not an expert on the economic crisis, and I've no investments, and as such have no fear of the liquidisation of the FTSE, and I was never invited to the NASDAQ party anyway. But, if Asda can offer Frijj for 46p, it looks increasingly like everything will be fine. And that's something we can all be happy about (except Jade Goody and David Cameron {the death of a son is at its core an inherently humourless subject, even less so with a disability in cumulation to the death...So I'll leave that there}).

And on top of all this great news, I'm getting 83% of my RDA of Calcium. I'm really over the moon.

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