Upon doing some research on Tigers (I recommend you do too), I discovered that of all the Cats, the Tiger kills the most humans. Instances are reckoned to be about as numerous as the killcount of Grizzly bears, but it is thought that bears will often kill humans just because they don't like them, rather than as prey. In a lot of cases, Tigers prey on humans as they are elderly or injured and humans represent a relatively easy source of food. Fair play.
One such incident which did not work out in quite the same way occured at a Zoo in India, 5 days before Christmas, 2007. A feller 'vaulted' over the barriers to get closer to the tiger enclosure in order to take a picture. Generally, barriers are there for a reason, and as such, attention should thus be paid to them. Unfortunately for this guy, a Tiger bit off his hand and then proceeded to maul him to death.

A rather too clear message; should have forked out just that little extra for the telescopic lens...
And the real kicker is that he was taking the shots with his mobile phone camera. Those photos were good to neither man nor beast.
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