Thursday, 8 January 2009

The chances of anything coming from Mars are a million to one...

Yet still they crash into our energy saving structures...

That's right, the nation was rocked by the news that a UFO had crashed into a wind turbine. The question everyone is asking is "What are they (aliens) expecting to find in Lincolnshire?". At least start somewhere interesting, then visit Lincoln on the way back from, say, the pyramids or Canary Wharf. But crashing into a wind turbine located in a small settlement by the A1031 road? What a way to go.

Of course, this was not actually a UFO strike, as some Turkey farmers and townsfolk have suggested, rather, the bright lights in the sky were from some fireworks, and the falling turbine blade is yet to be explained.

My concern is focussed more towards the fact that turbine blades are falling from the sky. Not only this, but it is reported to happen up to 6 times a year (according to one source). 6 times a year? I would have thought turbine blades falling from the sky would have been the sort of technical fault that would have been ironed out in the prototype stage.

Let's be clear, I'm all for saving the planet and that; I've got a re-usable shopping bag for one thing. But imagine the conversation:
"Umm hi, is this the county council?"
"Yes it is, how can I help you?"
"Well the problem is a wind turbine has fallen from the sky and crushed my six year old daughter."
"Killed your what?"
"My six year old daughter. Dead."
"Well turbines have been known to fall off, up to 6 times a year according to some sources."
"Oh, so you already knew about the problem?"
"In a way, yes, but thanks for calling."
"Sorry for wasting your time then, bye!"

And the moral of the story is: Make sure wind turbines don't fall apart before you plan to solve the world energy crisis with them.

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