Monday, 8 December 2008

What's in a name?

We've been mulling over the name of a song of ours which is yet to be imaginatively labeled recently. The list is as follows:

A Sinner in the Rye
Along came Sinner
Bridget Jones' Sinner
Meet the Sinner
Raging Sinner
Lord of the Sins (Rings)
Lord of the Sins (Flies)
To Kill a Sin-bird
The Sin Eater (No adjustment necessary; although a shit film.)
Sin City (No adjustment necessary; not a bad film)
The Usual Sins
The Jungle Sin
Jumansin (based on Jumangi, doesn't really work that one...)
One Flew over the Cuckoo's Sinner
The Shawshank Redempsin

And the unanimous favourite: Sindler's List

In the end though, we went with "A Tale of Two Sinners", though I preferred "Hannibal", Anthony Hopkins was great in that one.

In a rare tangent, Isaac is putting a few final touches on the website, which should go live sometime over Christmas, only a couple of tracks of vocals are left to record, and the artwork for our upcoming disc has been started.

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